Face gigantic robots, in a space adventure, to save the world!
In a challenging boss fighting action game.
Made in a month for Boss Rush Jam 2025
Jozevald - Pixel Artist & Boss Designer
BrunaSpy - Programmer
DarkMito - Programmer
Sarah de Castro - 2d Artist
DanielOfpus - Composer
W- reverse gravity upwards
A- left
S- reverses gravity downwards
D- right
left mouse button - Attack
Right mouse button - Power Attack
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Authorsjozevald, DarkMito, DanielOfpus, Sarah de Castro, Bruna_Spy
Made withUnity
TagsBoss battle, Difficult, My First Game Jam, Pixel Art, Robots, Space


GyroGrav_Windows.rar 31 MB


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Sensational game, the difficult level makes you want to play more. The boss reminds me a lot of the Sentinel from X-Men. very well done, success for the team...

Analyzing it now, it really looks a lot like him lol thanks for playing :D

cool game bud, more motion graphics stuff would be amazing though :)

(1 edit)

Oh my! This looks amazing!

it's peak


Muito bom